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Thursday 17 February 2011

Constantin Stanislavski

1863 - 1938
Stanislaviski was a great young actor and he net with Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko who was a famous playwright. After talking together for 18 hours the they formed the Moscow Art Theatre. He also met Anton chekov and the theatre perfomed four of his play The Seagul, Uncle Vanya, The Three Sisters and The Cherry Orchard and these made the group famous.

He first believed in psychological realism where the performance should exactly depict real life. The actor should be able to become the character inside and out. The completely know a character you would need to do detailed research on their emotion/ feelings, their circumstances and their relationships. This leads on to use the mothods of given circumstances, emotion memory and character objectives.

Later on he had a change of direction and focused on a psychophsical approach. The general theory is that if an actor moved like the character then they would feel and act like the character. To this effect he brought in the use of tempo rythms. Different rythems made you feel different emotions like a fast one could be panick, excitement or dread. Where as a calm rythem would be peaceful, calm or happy.

On Stanislavski's death bed he named the physical theatre practisiner Meyerhold as his one true heir. Meyerhold studied under Nemirovich at the Philarmonic school in 1896. Stanislaviski also played alongside Meyerhold in MAT's performance of Chekov's The Seagul directed by Stanislaviski.

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