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Honest, that's me. I'm never gonna change who I am just because of what people think. Carma solves everything in the end, watch out.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Characters given circumstances

To understand our characters we need to find the given circumstances to their character and  current situation. To get as much information as I could I re-read the whole script and noted down any information about her and what other people think of her.

Through collecting this information I understand that she has this tragic past with her dad which has resulted in her being emotionally unstable. She gives the impression of being quite hard on the outside so she seem's selfish and she may drink and smoke to cope with her unstadable side. When she talks about Stanly (mum's fiance) I know why she is abviously upset and angry with him but she does still love him as he reminds her later one that she was happy that he was with her mum. In the monlgue she complains about how much Penny moans and annoys her but that is just like sisterly banter as she goes on to say that she will fight to have custody of her to look after her. She also just wants to protect Penny from what dad did but she was too young to remember. When Cara mentions her dad in the script she quickly turns angry to show her quickness to temper but also slightly reveal that he hurt her.

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