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Honest, that's me. I'm never gonna change who I am just because of what people think. Carma solves everything in the end, watch out.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Because of Beth by Elana Gartner

Plot summary

In the aftermath of Beth's death all those she loved including her feuding daughter, her estranged ex-husband and her overwhelmed fiance seek to mourn her and find closer in their own way. Instead however they are forced to deal with one another and the complicated ties that bind them together because of Beth. The play explores the post-death experiences for the living when secrets are fresh, painful and powerful.
Because of Beth was the recipient of third prize in the Pen and Brush Playwrighting Competition as well as a finalist in the open book 2007 Playwriting Competition.

My Monologue

The monolgue I chose is from Act 1 Scene 3. Cara's mum has just died and left custody of her sister Penny to Cara. Cara enters carrying a six pack of beer and wanders through the tombstones until she gets to the fresh grave of her mum. She sits down next to it and expresses her true feelings about her mum.
I chose this one because it show's Cara's mixed emotions about loosing her mum. In the monologue you see soo many aspects of her personality from her hate and frustration to her extreme vulnerability revealed at the end. But also it is about her mum dying and as I am really close to my mum I was really able to connect with the sorrow of loosing her.

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